Soybean prices Decline As favorable weather condition benefits Brazil

Brazil’s favorable rainfall caused the Chicago Board of Trade soybean futures to fall, causing concerns about hot, dry weather reducing output in northern and central Brazil. However, the region of concern has decreased, and traders expect […]

Rabi rice sowing area decreased by 8.0%:

According to Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, the area under Rabi rice is decreased by 8.0 percent to 841 thousand hectares as against 915 thousand hectares sowed during the same period last year. Tamil Nadu […]

Rice USDA’s November month Update

The 2023/24 global rice outlook this month is for higher supplies, consumption, trade, and nearly unchanged stocks. World supplies are raised 1.6 million tons to 692.6 million, mostly on higher beginning stocks for India. The country’s […]

Indian Rabi wheat sowing area decreased by 13%.

According to Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, the area under Rabi Wheat is decreased by 13 percent to 1804.5 thousand hectares as against 2065 thousand hectares sowed during the same period last year. Madhya Pradesh […]

ISMA projects 8% drop in 2023-24 sugar production at 337LT

The Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA) released its preliminary projections for the 2023-24 sugar season (SS), forecasting sugar production at approximately 337 lakh tonnes (lt), a decline of around 8 per cent from the estimated 366 […]

Increased by 2-7% in MSP for wheat and other winter crops.

Due to the early harvest of some kharif crops in particular areas, the government has announced an increase in minimum support prices (MSPs) of 2–7% for rabi crops. Wheat and masur (lentil), two important winter crops […]

Soybean Sowing Progress Update

In the ongoing kharif 2023 cropping season, soyabean has been planted on about 12,540 thousand  hectares as of September 8, showing positive movement over the same period last year’s 12,406 thousand hectares. Farmers have increased the […]

Kharif rice sowing area increased by 2.7%:

According to Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, the area under kharif rice is increased by 2.7 percent to 40,341 thousand hectares as against 39,281 thousand hectares sowed during the same period last year. Uttar Pradesh […]

IMD: September 2023 Monthly Forecast Outlook

IMD : September 2023 Monthly Outlook Rainfall – The country as a whole is most likely to be normal (91-109 % of the Long Period Average (LPA)). Below normal rainfall is most likely over most areas […]