Coriander prices up in Ramganj on rise in demand.

Prices of coriander were up in Ramganj, a key wholesale market in Rajasthan, following a rise in demand from domestic retailers amid lower arrivals. In Ramganj, the Badami variety of coriander was sold at 6,000 rupees per 100 kg, while the Eagle variety was quoted at 6,200 rupees, both up by 200 rupees from previous close. Arrivals in Rajasthan were 5,500 bags (1bag=40kg), down 500 bags from the previous day. The most-active July contract traded at 5,200 rupees per 100 kg, up 0.2% from previous close.

India coffee exports during Jan 1- Jun 19.

The Coffee Board of India has finalised its crop estimate for 2015-16 at a record-high of 348,000 tonne, up from 327,000 tonne produced a year ago, but down from previous estimate of 350,000 tonne. The board has estimated the output for 2016-17 at 316,700 MT tonne, down 9% on year.

MCX cotton down for 2nd day as output seen higher.

Futures contracts of cotton on the MCX declined for the second straight day due to expectations of higher year-to-September 2018 output. Prospects of higher sowing across states and forecast of a normal monsoon dampened the market sentiment. Cotton acreage in Gujarat, the largest producer, was at 496,400 ha, compared with 175,500 ha same period last year. Subdued demand because of poor quality arrivals also weighed on prices. On MCX, the July cotton contract was at 20,210 rupees per bale (1bale=170kg), down 0.7% from the previous close.

Jordan issued international tender to purchase 100,000 tonnes barley.

Jordan state grain buyer issued another international tender to purchase 100,000 tonnes of animal feed barley to be sourced from optional origins, European traders said. Tender deadline is June 21, traders said. The new tender had been expected after Jordan made no purchase in its previous tender for 100,000 tonnes which closed on June 15.