Mills across Uttar Pradesh produced 8.70 million tonne of sugar during Oct 1-May 1, up 28% from a year ago. The state had produced 6.80 million tonne sugar during the corresponding period a year ago. Mills in the state have crushed 82.04 million tonne cane so far, compared with 64.08 million tonne in the year-ago period. Average sugar recovery in Uttar Pradesh as of Monday was 10.61%, slightly higher than 10.60% a year ago. Of the 116 sugar mills in the state that started cane crushing operations this year, 102 mills have wound up the process so far. With some mills in Uttar Pradesh still operating. Market participants expect output of the sweetener in the state this season to touch an all-time high of 8.80 million tonne, surpassing the previous high of 8.47 million tonne in 2006-07.