Brazil center-south sugarcane crush Is 1.78% down from last year.

Brazil’s center-south sugarcane crush for the 2017-18 harvest was 1.78% down from April 2017 to March 1, 2018, compared to the same period a year ago, totaling 595.894 million tons. Total ethanol production reached 25.477 billion liters, up 1.25% from a year before, with 10.546 billion liters in anhydrous ethanol (-0.47%) and 14.971 billion liters of hydrous ethanol (+2.46%). Meanwhile, sugar production rose by 1.57%, totaling 35.840 million tons. Regarding production mix, 53.16% of the raw material obtained was used for ethanol production, while the remaining 46.84% went to sugar production. Year-to-date, Total Recoverable Sugar (TRS) reached 137.22 kilograms per ton of sugarcane, 2.66% higher than in the same period of the 2016/2017 cycle.