Deputy Commissioner, Rajiv Prashar said, to buy 4.65 lakh metric tonnes of wheat this year against the last year 4.49 lakh metric tonnes and also pay money to the farmers within 48 hours after procuring their wheat. All arrangements, including water facility and public toilets, etc have been made. Ensuring that lifting of the crop within 72 hours after its arrival in the market. The procurement will conclude on April 30. Prashar requested farmers not to rush their crop to the grain market before properly drying it. Wheat can be procured only at the permissible moisture limit of 12%. A total of six agencies including Pungrain (Punjab Grains Procurement Corporation), PUNSUP (Punjab State Civil Supplies Corporation), Markfed, Agro, Warehouse and FCI (Food Corporation of India) are purchasing the wheat crop here. A total of 68 purchase centres have been opened in the district, including 31 in Faridkot city, 16 in Kotkapura, and 21 in Jaitu.